Friday, May 18, 2007

2 weeks to do 1 week's lesson

Week 4 was some of the most interesting material I've seen in this course. The Web 2.0 video was fascinating and I can't imagine how long it took to film - stop motion photography like that is usually quite time consuming. The large amount of reading took quite some time to digest, hence the reason it's taken 2 weeks to get through it.
I think that Web 2.0 is very indicative of what people are looking for - they want their information faster, more condensed and in the easiest manner to digest possible. I'm not altogether sure that is a good thing, but I can't help but wonder when companies are going to "get it" about advertising dollars. There is no doubt in my mind that people will be taking advantage of their Tivo or other recording mechanisms to put their TV shows on a time that is more convienent for their lives. Throw in the ability to download the show in it's entirety or grab it on DVD and you reduce the amount of advertising you have to sit through. In theory, this could lead to a completly different model of TV broadcasting.
I think the one "downside" of all the information being immediately accessible is the increase of people getting their "15 minutes of fame" in infamous ways. Case in point is the website which seems to find all the MySpace pictures of student athletes participating in illegal hazing activities on campuses nationwide.


Breathing Boreas said...

Perhaps she is:)
I like your meez as well, it seems like you are having lots of fun. Are you dancing?

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Great post! Check out this fellow bloggers use of Tivo and you will see that your hunches are a reality!