Wednesday, May 2, 2007

RSS, Wiki and Bloglines

This week's task was to set up RSS feeds for the reader. Not that difficult and kind of fun to look through once they were set up. As I'm still a tech person at heart, I selected several tech oriented feeds along with Slate and of course Orange Slices.
Grokker was fun, but I will need to play with it at home as the machine I'm working on does not have Java installed. I would like to see what the mapping feature does. The outline is nice, especially when searching a topic like the Boer War. The outline broke things down into subject headings related to the information found on both Wikipedia and Yahoo! so that made it easier to find exactly what I wanted to know which was that the Boer war took place when the Orange Free State and Transvaal declared war on the British due to their interference in southern Africa. It ended with the creation of South Africa and the rise of apartheid rule.
Now as to my learning style, Learn 2.0 works very well. I'm very comfortable working at my own pace, searching and reading different sources in electronic format.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

We should talk about the Boer War sometime. It is an event I heard about quite a bit as a child, but I have never really looked into it. Your post brought that chunk of personal history back to the surface for me.