Once more I'm going to get up on my soapbox of common sense and rant about one of the typically trivial things that goes on at my work place. I work with people who like to change the desktop wallpaper on the shared computers fairly regularly. The changes range from the silly - LoLCatz pictures, Chuck Norris quotes - to serious - Picasso and Manet. Until this morning, I had never found any of these to be particularly bad or not for public consumption. Today I have been informed by a co-worker that the wallpaper of Homer Simpson holding his ubiquitous pink frosted donut with the caption MMMM... Donut.. is offensive.
I'm not sure in what way this is offensive. Do we have an issue with bald, fat cartoons who eat donuts? Do we find the Simpsons offensive? Are we just having a bad day where we thing that the only opinion that matters is our own and everyone should conform to our belief system?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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